Saturday, February 22, 2014


Game Review: Flappy Bird !!!
Flappy Bird is a game developed by Dong Nguyen and published by .GEARS studios. It was released in May 2013 but gained popularity in January- Finebruary 2014. It was launched for both iOS and Android.
It is a highly addictive game. So much that it destroyed the psychological life of its developer and finally he removed it from the app stores.
The gameplay consist of a Super Mario like environment. But that is it. Nothing subsequent is common to the Oldie which was a childhood sensation of many people around the globe. The bird is the major character controlled by the player. It is a high-score based unending game i.e. the game ends only by losing.

You need to control the bird by tapping on the screen so as to successfully pass through the space between the pipes.



How to score big?

Scoring big is the dream of every Flappy bird player. It is so addictive that the moment you lose you will be tearing your brains out and cry like a little baby.
The trick is to maintain a rhythm in your tapping.
Remember not to tap more than twice while approaching the pipes as you are more likely to hit the top one while over-tapping.
Also try keeping the Volume on MUTE as this will help you in concentrating on your tapping.
Try laying on your Sofa or Bed as it gives much more advantage for you as your hand is at rest. Believe me you will experience immense Thumb and Arm fatigue while playing this game.
Playing the game in the morning while you have just waken up also helps as your mind will be fresh to beat the hell out of this game.

It is one hell of an addictive game. It has simple Graphics, Gameplay and is too much difficult. All the ingredients to make it an app to remember.

Leave your message in the comment section. Leave your email if want to download Flappy Bird apk. I will mail you. 

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